Re: [Epic] I Asked GW Service

From: Richard Dewsbery <dewsbery_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 19:33:08 +0100

> Errm, GWUK is selling them
> A fiver a sprue I think or something like that.

But not all of the trolls know that they are selling them. I had a row
with one who wouldn't sell me any extra order dice.
> P.S. has anyone seen the price of the new plastic termi 40K squad?
> What do ya think? 5 for 20 quid.
> Rumored that is going down to 15, but still ?
> Expensive or what?

WD got several prices wrong, apparently. the terminators will only be
�15. At �20, you'd have been better off buying Space Hulk and getting
the genestealers, cardboard and game thrown in for free!

I've got some of the terminators. Didn't pay �20 for them, and don't
intend to keep them. I'll swap them at the store as soon as the new
epic lead is available.

Yes, I know they're not made of lead anymore. But as a dyed in the wool
wargamer, I will continue to talk of "buying new lead" and "painting
some old lead" for a while yet. "White metal" is not such an evocative

Received on Mon Apr 28 1997 - 18:33:08 UTC

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