Re: [Epic] [E40k] Thoughts & Questions

From: James Flowers <jflowers_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 07:45:59 +1200

Hi All!


Scott Shupe wrote:
> > > 7) What's the 'average' game size anyway? It was 5-6000 points in
> > > SM/TL, but I'm not sure what it's supposed to be here.
> >
> > I thought 5-6k in SM/TL was considered a very large game.
> Really? Always seemed just about right for me. Actually,
> 6k is bordering on 'large', but then 4k is bordering on 'small',
> so I guess 5000 was my average game size.

We play 5000 points per side in SM/TL. That makes for a good mix of
troops. In clarification to one of my previous posts on this topic, we
still find that our SM/TL games rarely go longer than 1 turn (seriously),
with the occasional game going to turn 2. However, I should clarify that
most of the gamers over here are mini-maxers - wargamers from a long,
long, way back (over 20 years in most cases - so their armies are
optimised to grab objectives and gut enemy units). Most of us have been
playing SM (and other GW games) since their first versions. 5000 points
is also the tournament size for SM/TL play in New Zealand. Also, however,
just prior to E40K release, tournament rules changed to make use of the
revised objectives from White Dwarf. Now THAT makes SM/TL games last

Size in E40K is a little different. 3000 points in E40K is about equal to
6000 points of SM/TL. We play 2000 points as it gives us a good mix of
troops and makes the games run a little faster (but not that much more -
we have had several 6000 point per side battles in E40K that were
finished in less than 4 hours - although we do know the rules a little
better now...).

Kind regards, JAMES FLOWERS

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  Email: jflowers_at_... Web:
  Phone: 0-3-548 1832 Cell: 0-25-956657
Address: P O Box 787, NELSON 7001, New Zealand
Received on Tue Apr 29 1997 - 19:45:59 UTC

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