[Epic] Objectives, Assault and Subjects

From: Andy Meechan <a.meechan_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 97 10:57:15 gmt

     * Objectives *
 Ah, objectives are something else I forgot about. All
the games I played were 'meeting engagements' (we wanted to get
a good handle on the rules before trying anything strange). The
way you place objectives (at least 90cm away from where you start)
basically meant that I grabbed my opponent's T&Hs and he grabbed
mine, and neither of us were able to do much about it. Actually,
he had a ravenwing-style bike force that almost got to his rescue
objective, but that got wiped out by my daemon calvary horde.
     The Rescue gets placed 90cm from your baseline (*and* in cover), the
     T&H is in the opponents half.
     * Assault *
 Wow, a +2 to my roll. Doesn't mean much when he's got
3 or 4 times your assault value.
     He gets +4 and you get +2 - makes a big difference to me! If he rolls
     low you could win because of the +2 (remember to use those Fate card
     rerolls; they can make all the difference).
     * Subjects *
     The 'Thought and Questions' thread (amongst others) has btranched
     considerably. Could y'all keep an eye on this and change the Subject
     lines - especially when replying to *part* of a multi-topic posting.
Received on Wed Apr 30 1997 - 10:57:15 UTC

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