[Epic] [Epic 40K]

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Thu, 1 May 97 11:26:43 EST

I know this is an old thread, and I don't remember if this
was resolved, but I thought this might be interesting to

I just got WD 208, the one with the battle reports from Andy
and Jervis about Gogard. In the first section where they used
the Marines and a huge Orc warband (instead of the Great Gargant),
they had a lot of little blurbs detailing specific rules like
how order dice are used and what specific orders mean, what a
firefight is and how it is resolved, etc. There was also a blurb
on Line of Fire. This is what is said:

"LINE OF FIRE. As long as a unit can see one unit of an enemy
detachment it can fire. Friendly troops do not block lines of
fire, and if troops are in cover, like buildings, then they can
always fire out." (p.108)

The specific phrase I wanted to point out is that they said
_friendly_ troops do not block lines of fire. I think this
means that _enemy_ troops do (or at least should) block lines
of fire. That way screening troops are still useful, even if
they do not belong to the same detachment that they are screening.

So for example:

Unit A--------Unit B---------Unit C

Units B and C are both on one side, Unit A is an enemy detachment.
Unit A cannot shoot at Unit C because it cannot see over Unit B
(although hills could get tricky). So, effectively, Unit B acts
as a screen for Unit C.

Sound reasonable?

Received on Thu May 01 1997 - 16:26:43 UTC

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