Re: [Epic][E40k] Campaign Ideas

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Sat, 10 May 1997 03:03:33 -0500

At 04:34 PM 5/8/97 -0400, you wrote:

>Troops that are isolated will never retire due to army morale reaching
>0. Knowing that they have nowhere to go, they will fight to the end as
>long as they still hold an objective. Only if army morale has reached
>zero and all objectives are held by the enemy will the isolated army

Sounds good to me.

>> Just to give an example, during
>> the Persian Gulf War the Iraqis spread propoganda that the U.S.

>I hadn't heard of this. Fits with the Hussein propaganda engine,

The friend I mentioned was with the 5th, which went into Kuwait City. They
had to put down a de facto rebellion by POWs after they realized who they
surrendered to.

>they were the only american troops without the nifty new M1-A1s.

Yep. The very first class of Marines to go to M1-A1 school with the Army
went while I was at Camp Geiger. It was March 12, 1991, IIRC - while the
war was going on (or was it over already?).

Received on Sat May 10 1997 - 08:03:33 UTC

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