[Epic] unpainted figures

From: Ken Taborek <oberon_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 08:44:37 -0400 (EDT)

Well, I've watched the debate rage, and thought I'd put in my two cents

Half of the appeal of this game for me is the visual. If I wanted to push
around bland units like cardboard squares, I'd play squad leader. There
was a gentleman in our group who played orcs, and primed them black. He
was a decent painter, and his units looked good. Then we had a truly
epic battle, and he brought everything he had. You would not believe how
horrible a mob of orcs look when they are jet black, with a colored dot on
them to distinguish between detachments and mobs. Ugly, ugly, ugly.
Since then, I have not played against anyone who didn't put at least a
little effort into their painting.

I am not a champion painter, and I don't require that from my opponents.
But playing with these figures is just not appealing, or fun.

--Ken Taborek oberon_at_...
"Show respect for age. Drink good Scotch for a change."- random fortune
Received on Thu May 15 1997 - 12:44:37 UTC

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