Re: [Epic] Meese

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 01:17:17 -0500

At 05:18 PM 5/19/97 +0200, you wrote:

>> I think it was WWII when the Swedes were using elk-drawn sleds to
>> remove casualties from the front line. There was an elk that was decorated
>> after pulling several unconscious soldiers more than 20 miles to the
>> hospital over rough terrain without direction with a broken leg. I think
>> the driver was killed in the explosion that injured the elk. The Elk was
>> given one of the highest honors the army had to give, and there were
>> pictures of the elk with a medal hanging off of its antlers on the front of
>> several newspapers.
>> The elk was subsequently captured and Hitler ordered it executed.
>> What a wanker.
>> Temp
>We never fought in WWII so I doubt that. There have probably been some
>experiments with domestic elks in history

Perhaps it was the Fins, or perhaps it was WWI and the Kaiser in stead of
WWII and Hitler. Maybe I just made it up . . .

Actually, it was told to me by my Western Civ prof about 5 years ago, so
obviously the details are fuzzy. However, I dont' believe he made it up, as
his specialty was Russian history and WWII.

Received on Tue May 20 1997 - 06:17:17 UTC

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