Re: [Epic]E40K Orks, Blood Axe Mob et al

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 09:53:03 -0400 (EDT)

>1. Blitzwagons. These are Battlewagons with an FP of 2 and an AF of 1.
>Cost 20 pts. This includes such types as Gobsmashas, Spleenrippers,
>Braincrushas and Lungburstas, in fact, any Ork Battlewagon which doesn't
>have a Close Combat weapon on the front, such as the skull'n'spikes, the
>Deff Rolla etc.

I think it was deliberate that units like these were not included in
the ork army. The whole problem is that they would be too useful
(i.e. I'd love to have them). If you think about it, these units are
basically vehicle-versions of shooty boyz weighing in at 3 pts less.
The only thing they sacrifice is the +1 AV value from terrain and the
ability to enter buildings. They gain speed, armor, and transport
capabitity and still come out less.

I feel the reason these units are not included in the ork army is to
basically discourage orks from taking shooty armies. Thus they over-
price the heavy weapons for the orks. You can take them, but if you
base your army around them, you'll be at a disadvantage.

>2. BowelBurnas. These are Battlewagons with an FP of 3 and an AF of 1,
>but a range of 15cm and Close Support capability. Cost 14. (The astute
>will note that they are basically the same as Hellhounds, but 5cm faster
>and 2 pts more expensive)

Now these I really like. I think it is "out of character" with the
orky assault mentality that they have no close support weapons at

>4. Madboyz. As Orks, but D3 for their AF. (I know this is minimalist,
>but it gives just enough flavour without needing new rules).

I still prefer the other "random order dice" method. It gives them
more "madboyz" flavor, though it does add a special rule. Also, I
would reduce the price (in this case) since the gits may go on fall
back orders, march orders, or some such when you least want them
too (then again, they may do exactly what you want them to, very
orky). I would say a price of 6 or 7, stats as normal orks.

>Madboyz may be used whenever Orks are called for. They may NOT be
>upgraded in any way, and cost 9 pts.

I definity think that in any case, madboyz should be able to get
jetpacks (+1 pt)

>5. Split "Big Gunz" into the following:
>Shokk Attack Guns : Range 60cm, Disrupt, otherwise as per Big Gunz. Cost
>Tractor Cannon : Anti_tank (NOT artillery), otherwise as per Big Gunz.
>Cost 14 (includes Crackers, Lifta-Droppers and other such heavy weapons)
>Splat Guns - as current Big Gunz
>The astute will note that the Imperial Support weapons are identical to
>the Tractor Cannon, but cost 13 each rather than 14. But, as they say,
>"It's not easy being green".

I have the same gripe grip about big gunz (indirect fire from tractor
kannons?). I think these rules definetly hang on to the spirit of the
units and the rules.

>While we're on the subject, add Squigg Catapults to the Pulsa Rocket
>So far, no new rules..... now for one rather doubtful one.
>6. Extra to give Mekboy Dragsta "Medic" ability. +10 pts
>"Medic" means that any _one_ non-war-engine unit within 5cm gains the
>"Save" ability. [ Any unit already with this ability gains an additional
>save, as has been made clear in the FAQ re vehicle escapees etc].

I dunno, I still haven't found a dragsta rule I find completely
satisfactory (i.e. not too powerful, but still keeps the spirit).
While this definity is not too powerful, I don't like the feel of
making a dragsta a speedy pain boyz unit.

The only prob is I can't think of anything better. Maybe dragstas
could give any non-war engine unit within 5 cm a +1 to its armor
value (to a max of 6)

I would also give the dragsta different stats from speedstas. I.e.
the dragsta itself would loose its 1 FP (woohoo!), and its AV (down
to 0), but gain a save, to represent how hard it was in SM/TL to
actually kill one (and to make them more durable).

>Now onto the new Army List:
>As per standard Ork Warband, with the following changes:
>Warboss....40 pts.
>Extra Cost to:
>Mount on a Battlewagon +14 pts
>Mount in a Rhino +7 pts
>Mount in a Land Raider +35 pts
>Up To One Weirdboy (as Ork Warband)
>Choose up to 10 of:
>Ork Boyz Mob
>1-4 Ork Units 9pts each
>Extra to:
>Upgrade all units to Nobz(Hero)* +5 each
>Upgrade to Shooty Boyz(Heavy Weapons)* +8 each
>Upgrade to Skarboyz (Assault)* +2 each
>Upgrade to Kommandos (Infiltrators)* +3 each
>Mount in a Rhino +7 pts

The whole detatchment can be infiltrators? That seems to make
them almost useful (heresy!). I would allow them to field 1-2
extra kommando mobs, but not 1-9

>Support - up to 10,no more choices than in Main Force

>Any Imperial Vehicle at appropriate points cost
Good luck trying to get your opponents to accept this ;)
I don't know the prices of the IG units, but I assume it is more
expensive for the orks to take the same units.

>SPECIAL RULES ??: Addition of a Blood Axe mob reduces strategy rating by
>1 unless no Boyz Mobs are used.

I definitly agree that the bloodaxes should have some penelty, but I
think if anything, they would have a better strategy rating than normal
orks (they fink about stratergy).

It would be more complicated, but maybe you could say they have a break
value of .4 x the unit size instead of .5 x. This would represent how
bloodaxes are likely to slope off to a quite corner of the battlefield
if the fighting get tough.

>Note that in WD 209, a New Pattern Blood Axe Land Raider is shown in
>both E40K and WH40K, so Blood Axes are a-comin' sometime anyways.

Kewl, maybe they have already invisioned rules for Shokk gunz and
traktor kannons (definitely anti-tank weapons).

I have been thinking about making a "speshul list" of silly ork units
with way too many special rulez. The list would include such known
and forgotten favorites as:

0 Wildboyz. They don't really have special rules, but they are silly
   and I miss having them about (I would say give them identical stats
   and cost as beastmen).

1 Kustom-kombi weapons that can blow themselves up (I miss my orks
   blowing themselves up!)

2 kustom kannon dragstas that can blow themselves up.

3 Mekboy gargants (still don't know how I want to represent the
   kustom force field).

4 Madboyz with the more complicated orders rule.

5 Last but not least, the completely silly Goffic rockers (the big
   rolling stage they got in CJ last year).

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