Re: [Epic] Two sytsems, E40k vs SM2 etc

From: Andy Skinner <askinner_at_...>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 08:08:14 -0500

Alex Leonard wrote:
> Okay here's the deal.
> I don't care.
> Give me the rules,
> Give me the dice,
> Give me the figs,
> Just let me play.
> Thats what I wanna do, play the game. I don't wanna bicker over the
> rules, come up with exceptions, try to improve it or make it more how
> I think they should have made it, I mean hey that's what you're
> basically paying them to do right?
> If you don't like it, don't play it.
> Me I'll play anything E40k, SmII, You name it, I'll play it.
> An insight into the demented psyche of Leonard

Fine for you, and you're welcome to it. But if I don't like
something about some set of rules, am I just to trash the whole
set, because "If you don't like it, don't play it."? And if
there is something that doesn't feel right in every set of rules,
am I just to go watch TV instead? What if I can find a way to
tweak a set of rules so that I do like it? I enjoy doing that.
You are welcome to play whatever you want, I'm allowed to tweak,
and publically discuss tweaking, 'cause other people like to, too.

I'm not trying to shoot for specifically "realism". But it has
to feel right to me, and fit into my very real-war-ignorant idea
of what it ought to be like. Thus a tweak that skimmers can pop
up 25 cm and check LOS from there, rather than seeing everything.
In return, I'd let 'em end their turn over impassable terrain as
long as they move next turn. (Well, maybe, that might mean they
can go back and forth between safe-from-assault positions over
two different lakes every other turn.) Having a barrage in the
back not effect any troops in the back doesn't seem right, so a
tweak to allow hits to come from under the barrage is born.

I like the feel of the mixed detachments in Epic 40K better, and
the new sequence. I liked shooting at specific targets in the
old one better, and think it would have been helped by the new
turn sequence. So I'm looking at tweaks to either one, and possibly

Anyway, rule tweaking is fun. Not bickering at all. And I'm
not into the religious war about which is better. Just which I'm
going to play most often, which I'll teach my wife to play (she
doesn't want to become familiar with more than one set, though
she is willing to try new ones as I vacillate), etc.

You, of course, can do what you like and delete my rule posts. We
can discuss something else on a topic we both like.

Received on Thu May 22 1997 - 13:08:14 UTC

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