Re: [Epic] Re:Trolls n Minotaurs

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 07:48:49 -0500

At 06:49 PM 5/21/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>>The Arty is extreamly powerfull.
>>Yes, but the first turn they can't be on overwatch. The second turn, if
>>they are on overwatch, then they aren't on prep-fire. You also run the risk
>>that your opponent will get to fire first (or a ground attack by aircraft
>>will attacdk first, or HIS arty on prep fire has a guaranteed ff
>>capability), and since each BM takes out 1/6 of your firepower, a good sized
>>detachment can seriously impair your combat ability. Then after you do
>>fire you have to spend a turn immobile to reload, during which time you are
>>at the least ineffective, and at the most, very susceptible to all sorts of
>>nastiness. And what is the range on chaos arty? I though it was only 60,
>>but I don't remember off the top of my head.
>These are problems faced by any artillery unit. It doesn't make chaos
>artillery less effective compared to other artillery. Chaos artillery
>might be more susceptable to BMs than normal FP units, but other
>arty units that use templates have the same weakness. As for the
>range "limitation", I would consider 60 cm to be an excellent range.
>I don't know what other armies are like, but the orks have no field
>aritllery with range greater than 45 cm. The only thing they have
>are 2 krooz missles on the mega-gargant (that's 2 shots per mega)

It's the heavy arty needing to reload that bothers me. Combined with the
shorter range, that is seriously debilitating. By the time they are within
range so that they can use their hvy barrage, they can receive heavy return
(or pre-emptive) fire. They are also both close and immobile during the
off-phase. These are NOT problems faced by all artillery. For example, the
Chaos units can't prep-fire IG arty units because of the range restrictions.
Another: IG hvy artillery has a 125+cm range (I don't remember specifics),
so you can pound someone and never have to worry about them reaching you.
You could even put them on overwatch _first turn_. They only need that 5cm
move to get on the board, as they will have range.

I dont' recall how many points the Chaos arty is. I just remember looking
at the stats and being doubtful as to whether they were worth the points.

Received on Fri May 23 1997 - 12:48:49 UTC

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