Re: [Epic] Q&A 2 (and notes)

From: Thomas Bloom <tbloom_at_...>
Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 01:14:22 -0500

>>7) If you first place your flyers on the board within range of your own
>>flak units, and then your opponent places his interceptors on the board
>>next to your flyers, may your flak units fire at the interceptors?
>> a) Yes
>> b) No. Complete all intercept actions before considering your
>> flyers to be "on the board."
>P: The correct answer is b)

*sigh* and I had a plan to actually use Fire Prism's to cover my Vampires.
Back to the drawing board.

Has anyone figured out how to actually use flak units to drive off flyers?
It seems to me that its very difficult to use them as AA guns. In order to
get a shot off at a flyer your AA guns would have to be pretty much on the
front lines, wich is a trick to manage considering they need to be on
special orders (no movement allowed) to use the flack ability.
Received on Sun May 25 1997 - 06:14:22 UTC

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