Re: [Epic] Titan exercise

From: Thomas Bloom <tbloom_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 13:58:31 -0500

>I've got 4 Warlord Titans and 16 weapons I'd like to distribute
>among them. (Actually, more than 16, but I'm not all that fond


Arm them for 2nd ed. When you play 40k just call 'em whatever you want as
most folks don't have the lists of what is a death ray, whats a mega cannon
ect. ect. memorized and arn't gonna argue. Kinda like the guns that come
with the Reavers and warhounds, you have to look pretty close to see what
they are and take your best guess. If you want to play WYSIWHYG for both
systems you're probably going to have to either figure out a way to swich
weapons or opt for a less than optional weapons load out. Or just arm 3 of
them for 2nd ed (a Titian battle group) and one for 40k.
Received on Tue May 27 1997 - 18:58:31 UTC

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