Re: [Epic] E40K Squats-Overlords

From: Thomas Bloom <tbloom_at_...>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 11:58:46 -0500

> I also toyed with the idea
>of having an Overlord being a SHV skimmer, but found that the fluff
>about "Skimming Gas Giants" meant it was more of an aerospace craft
>than it looked.

> Speed Range FP AF Armour Special
>Overlord flyer 30m 6 1/6 6+

>Overlord Airship Fleet
>1 Detachment HQ +25 pts
>Up to 10 of:
>1 Overlord Airship 70 pts

Can you Imagine these on intercept? Kinda humorus actually. "oh my god!
there's a BLIMP on my tail!!!"

I'd say go with your first thought of making them SHV skimmers and make the
Iron Eagles the fliers (Gargoyles went from skimmer to flier) or just make
up a Squat flier or two. (just rip off the IG ones) They did it for the

Received on Tue Jun 03 1997 - 16:58:46 UTC

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