Re: [Epic] E40K Squats - LONG!!!

From: <PAspin3551_at_...>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 11:14:42 -0400 (EDT)

In a message dated 04/06/97 04:06:36, esund_at_... (E. Sund)

 But they ARE better. Each one has a heavy weapon, not just some of them.
 And no, I'm not a squat player. The infantry is cool but I think most of
 their vehicles look funny. The 1st ed. White Dwarf squat list was better,

so do wolfguard Teminators and Dark Reapers - and they only have firepower 2
with heavy weapons.
 firepower 4 is more powrful than most tanks!
I can see your point about thunder's being brilliant in old epic, but then
again - in old epic, Striking scorpians, Howling Banshees and Exarchs killed
almost anything in hand to hand. Now they are only slightly superior to

Received on Thu Jun 05 1997 - 15:14:42 UTC

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