I think I accidentlay sent this before I was ready, so I'm sorry.
I actually like this. It makes the Land Train very unique, not just for
s, but for squat WEs as well. It wouldn't create rules problems with
the a=
llocation of hits, but it would create odd situations where infantry
was ef=
fectively screening a WE from enemy fire. However, IMO, this
is a cool sch=
tick for the Land Train and it would actually encourage
people to field bre=
serker cars. I do think the overall cost of the
breserker cars should refl=
ect the fact that they effectively give the
LT extra void shields.
The pro=
blem is that a special rule would have to be set up to cover the
fact that =
WEs get their orders differently from other units. The rule
would have to =
make the entire detatchment correspond to WE rules (always
move in both pha=
ses, no overwatch ect), or make the WE obey the regular
rules. Either way,=
I don't think it's a big deal.
What I would actually suggest is that the =
battle cars be normal vehicles,
capable of moving about on their own. If t=
hey are "trained" with the
engine they get the benifit of the engines void =
shield generator as well
as adding +1 to the number of void shields, but su=
ffer the ill effects of
any criticals taken by the engine (as designated on=
the critical chart)
So basically, you end up with a vehicle detachment wi=
th a WE command unit.
There would be 2 special rules:
1) the Engine uses n=
ormal orders like any other detachment (or the rest
of the detachment us=
es WE orders)
2) the effect of hooking the cars together.
How about can th=
e Bezerker battlecar, i.e make the bezerkers come from a diffrent detachmen=
t, or replace it with maybe a heavy weapons battlecar. 4Fp, 45 cm, somethin=
g like that. The train does not have a firepower car.
"Your incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law =
still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by pr=
ecedents and precepts from the last 10 million years."
"But your most incor=
rect assumption of all is to assume that we care."
-David Brin, Infi=
nity's Shore
-----------------------------------------------------James Nug=
- application/ms-tnef attachment: stored
Received on Tue Jun 10 1997 - 16:51:14 UTC