RE: [Epic] [E40K] Squats -- After Review:

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 07:44:54 -0400

This is OK, though unless you let the tunnelers move *really* quickly
 march move while underground, which seems a bit fast) they should
get a co=
uple of turns' of movement before a game begins, assuming it's a
set battle=
 and not an ambush. Or just give them the Infiltration
special ability, or=
 make it an intrinsic to the "tunneler" special.

> Actually, I would prefe=
r the drop pod method, since it is simpler
> still, and requires no new rul=

My main problem with this is that it's *too* random. Tunnelers
n't be quite *that* blind; just pay attention to how fast you're
going for =
how long, for a rough estimate, or there's intertial guidance
and maybe som=
e others.

How about this:
Special Ability:Tunneler. Tunnelers are machinge=
s that move underground, and appear beneath enemy troops. A tunneler may di=
ve or surface once a turn. When a tunneler dives is goes below ground and s=
tays below for the rest of that turn. when it surfaces it goes above ground=
 and stays above ground for the rest of the turn. While below ground tunnel=
ers may not fire, be fired on or participate in CC/FF And they ignore terra=
in. If they start they game below ground tunnerls my infiltrate, also belo=
w ground. When a Tunneler surfaces it may not actually surface where it int=
ends. This is because while the vehical is below ground the model only trac=
ks it's intended location. For each turn a tunneler spent below ground, rol=
l deviation, i.e roll the scatter die and move the model a number of centim=
eters in the indicated directrion. For each turn the tunneler spent below g=
round on normal orders roll 1D6, for assault roll 2D6, and for march orders=
 roll 3D6. Each deviation is rolled seperatly. A infiltration move counts a=
s assault. Troops leaving a tunneler are treated like troops leaving a tran=
sporting flyer.

comments/notes:This would be an optional rule, sort of a f=
un thing. Yes it's a special rule, but I tried to make it easy to understan=
d, I hope I succeded. Tell me what you think. I figure the deviation is sig=
nifigant, but over several turns it will average out. That is why it is sep=
erated, instead of just adding up the D6 and deviating once.
additional th=
Possibly a 5cm penalty for surfacing/diving
making sub-surface tunn=
elrs move like war machines, i.e. 1x 45 degree turn and pay for more.
ge the rules so they may not surface in the assault phase. I'm not sure if =
that will unbalce things or not, since the squats have no fast assault troo=
"Your incorrect assumptions are th=
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume th=
at we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last 10 million ye=
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that we care.=
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
-----------------James Nugent----------------------------------------

Received on Wed Jun 11 1997 - 11:44:54 UTC

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