You wrote :
>I absolutely agree with you in principle. For example, the campaign
>rules I wrote are fairly abstract but that allows them to fit into
>story you care to create. Just like you can take an EPIC 40k game
>create a story for it, you can also use non-specific campaign rules
>a story and sequence-rich campaign.
>Personally, I get into a campaign when it has a story as well as a
>system. What I've found is that a good system makes it easier to
>in a story. You can lay in a certain amount of storyline to begin
>campaign, then translate events into storyline or create special
>battles that alter victory conditions or affect the campaign in an
>unusual way.
>The sky's the limit,
>- Erik
>"Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever
>up, if you will ever dig."
>- Marcus Aurelius
I understand your point of view, Erik, and I can't disagree.
My gaming group likes playing with my "campaign rules" and I think
it's because we also play RPGs (I'm the Game Master, that's why I
love writing backgrounds...). Your rules are more a "wargame" view of
a campaign.
I believe that each way of playing campaign is interesting.
I must say that your rules are very good and if you don't mind I
would like to translate them for the french players. Do you agree?
Francois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universite Paris XII - IBM France)
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Received on Wed Jun 11 1997 - 08:09:37 UTC