I've read a lot of stuff about campaigns and all that work seems to
be great but I'm not really happy with this kind of rules.
In fact, I like to know the exact background of each battle I play
and I think that special scenarios (scenari or scenarii? I was not
really good in Latin) are a more interesting than simple battles. But
with the campaign rules I've found on the net I can't play as I want
So this is how I make my campaigns :
1- I think about a general background. For exemple, an Eldar
Craftworld invade an imperial colony to protect some of its oldest
artefacts that have been discovered by the human settlers...
2- I think about all the battles. Each battle is a major
event of the campaign. For exemple : the first meating of the two
armies, the siege of the Eldar temples (where the artefacts are
hidden), etc...
A victory in a battle will give some advantages : advantage
in army points for the next battle, advantage in the campaign (the
final victory will be closer) or only symbolic advantage (I won and
not you! Na Na Na!).
3- I think about the final battle : this must be a very big
fight. The player who is in way to win the campaign must give the
Coup Fatal and his opponent must save the honour.
For exemple, the last battle of my artefact campaign was hte
siege of the Eldar temples. The imperial player (moi en l'occurence)
had to take three objectives (the temples) and the eldar player had
to stand 5 turns against the ennemy (the time to evacuate the
Pour la petite histoire, my Iron Wolves destroyed the Eldar
forces of the Alcarinque Craftworld in 3 turns, few eldars were able
to return to their home...
What do you think about this?
Francois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universite Paris XII - IBM France)
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