Re: [Epic] [E40K] Squats - Land Train proposal

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 12:28:21 -0400 (EDT)

>>> The problem is that having the Berserker cars carry troops will
>>>violate the War Engine Detachment rule on pg48 of the Rules book.
>>>Which would lead to some very wierd effects when handling Blast Markers,
>>>allocating hits and such.
>>(BTW, the rule Greg is referring to is not on page 48, it's on page 41)
> Sheesh, maybe I should write clearer, at least so I can read my own
>scribbled notes. Especially if I'm going to quote them... :(

That's okay. I followed this up by cleverly pointing out that
thunderers have the same firepower as thunderers. Maybe I should

>>What I would actually suggest is that the battle cars be normal vehicles,
>>capable of moving about on their own. If they are "trained" with the
>>engine they get the benifit of the engines void shield generator as well
>>as adding +1 to the number of void shields, but suffer the ill effects of
>>any criticals taken by the engine (as designated on the critical chart)
> The Leviathan has transport capacity, but cannot have troops of its own
>so we could use that as the basis for the transport of the LT. However,
>I like having the troopers as an integral part of the unit, but not so much
>that I want to make the LT nearly invulnerable to normal fire, which a
>troop screen largly would. Sheesh, you just can't eat your cake and have it

I like the image of a screen of squat troops plodding along infront of the
land train. I don't think it would be too unbalancing because (1) the
squat player pays for those troops, (2) they don't regenerate like void
shields, and (3) they still count towards the break point of the unit
(unlike void shields). Aslo, in order to get the defensive bonus of the
infantry screen, the land train must give up considerable offensive
fire power. 4 stands of tacticals are nice, but are they better than a
vortex missle? On top of that, remember that the infantry has a much
lower armour value than the land train, meaning that alot of the infantry
will be killed by shots that would otherwise have not affected the LT.
I think the infantry will better serve the LT as support troops rather
than as a human shield.

> As to the vehicles being seperate, this would make the LT incredibly
>vulnerable to barrages. One template could easily effect 5 vehicles,
>much to their regret! "my 3 Cannon of Khorne target your LT, hmmm, that
>will be 30FP..."

It's not all that bad. 1 cannon of Corn could get about 8 fp (partially
covering 4 cars). 4 Corny kannons could get 32 fp, which is 24 dice.
Assuming a 6 armour value, that's only 4 hits against a unit with up
to 9 void shields. The other consideration is that, yes, the LT is
very vulnerable to barrages (which is a good counter-balance), but
does anyone really want to rely on barrages to beat the squats?

Received on Wed Jun 11 1997 - 16:28:21 UTC

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