RE: [Epic] [Epic40k] Blast Markers and Firepower

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 07:59:50 -0400

> I disagree. If this is the case, then a single BM halves the effective=
> of a unit of Land Raiders, as usually, they aren't concentrating a =
lot of
> fire. It also halves the fp of an all shw titan if it wants to fi=
re at more
> than one target. At 2 BMs it can only fire at one target.

ght. The LRs are better off using their Anti-Tank shots at armour,
rather t=
han as Universal Psyker Assasination on a dozen different units.
This is a =
bad thing?

And as for an all SHW Titan, instead of it being able to assasi=
nate 4
different pykers in 4 different units, it too must concentrate its
irepower on one detachment. Usually another Titan. In fact, it would
age a mix of weapons. This is a bad thing too?

Actually, we dissallow the =
psycher assination. I.E. SHW's cannot choose to fire at psycers/commanders =
unless they are the closest unit, similar to Sm2. We allow super heavy weap=
ons to target whater kind of troop they want in mixed detachments. (For ins=
tance, I hate whirlwinds :)
"Your incor=
rect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the Five G=
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precepts from=
 the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is =
to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinity's Shore
----------------------------------------James Nugent-----------------------=

Received on Fri Jun 13 1997 - 11:59:50 UTC

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