Re: [Epic] Andy Chamber's Campaign Rules

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 08:21:03 -0500

At 07:55 PM 6/12/97 -0400, you wrote:

>How about:
>Hip-shooting (eldar) - WE may resdistribute movement from the assault
>phase to the movement phase. If it has a movement of 25cm, it may
>move 30cm during movement and 20cm during assault, or 40cm during
>movement and 10cm during assault.
>(May be a bit potent, perhaps limit it to 10cm or something?)

That's a decent idea for a skill, but I don't think I'd call it "hip-shooting."

>> > Mandi-blasters (eldar titan only) - cc weapon slot, no fp (or reduced
>> range)
>> As in a free CC weapon? Even so seems reasonable compared to others.
> How about +2 to +5 assault? (Pick your favorite value)

Well, compared to a +1 bonus (for psyker, or bloodlust), that's pretty weak,
even at +5. Maybe +5 AV and 2-4 fp, range 15 or 30.

>> > Precognition (Eldar) - ignores first critical (rolls with blow)
>> (maybe too
>> > powerful)
>> Yeah, maybe too much with the 2+ holofield. I like the idea a lot,
>> though.
>How about a penalty to the first critical?

Maybe a small penalty to all crits. I dont' have a chart handy, so I dont'
know how much this would affect them.

I meant to put together a real list last night, but I started painting and
playing Civ II and totally forgot to drag out my TL rules.

Received on Fri Jun 13 1997 - 13:21:03 UTC

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