Re: [Epic] Erik Rutins Campaign Rules

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 97 13:59:52 EDT

At 08:21 AM 6/19/97 PDT, you wrote:
>>Did you ever think about becoming a professional translator? ;)
>On voit bien que tu n'as pas lu la traduction en question...
>My translator's qualities are not very good but I must say that I
>love speaking English.
>French is a superb language but it's very difficult too, even for
>French people!

Yep, French ranks up there in my book of difficult languages to learn,
along with English and Japanese. This is mainly due to exceptions in
conjugations and such, though with Japanese it's more the grammar.

>English is more simple and not too simple, in top of that I like
>hearing someone who speaks english (with a good accent), it's very

Huh, you're the first non-native English speaker that I know to have said
that English is a nice sounding language. Some people say it's actually
quite ugly compared to some other languages in the world, particularly
Italian and French.

>Francois Bruntz


PS - While I haven't gotten around to learning French yet, I probably will
in the future. I already know Spanish, so I'm planning on adding the
Romance languages to my repetoire (sp?), along with German and some others.

Oh, and though this is as off topic as it gets, have you seen "La Cite des
Enfants Perdus" or "Delicatessen"? Those movies (particularly La Cite) are
what got me inspired to learn French. Gotta love Jeunet (sp?) and Caro. :)
Received on Thu Jun 19 1997 - 17:59:52 UTC

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