Re: [Epic] Firepower vs Anti-Tank (long)

From: Richard Dewsbery <dewsbery_at_...>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 1997 14:24:29 +0100

> > > In a prolonged exchange over a series of turns, the Leman Russ's
> > > can take more casualties, will take longer to effectively suppress, and
> > > dish out more suppression markers. Vs infantry. Against tanks or
> > > titans, the Land Raiders would be able to prune the enemy down to size
> > > much more effectively. As with all good wargames, it comes down to
> > > choosing the right tool for the job.
> > > >
> > > > Conclusion
> > > >
> > > > If your wanting to inflict blast markers and kill units
> > > > armour values 3+ or less, use Firepower. If you are wanting
> > > > kill units with armour 4+, in the open or above (3+ in cover)
> > > > and not so concerned about inflicting blast makers, use
> > > > landraiders.
> > >
> > > Because of the effect of BMs, I think that the break-even point is
> > > between the 4+ and weaker, for which I'd use Leman Russ's; and 5+ or
> > > better armour for which land raiders should be used.

> Let's get down to the nitty-gritty here.
-snipped example that Land Raiders ronk all over an equal formation of
Leman Russ in a stand up fight -
that's why they're called "anti-tank" shots.

> I'll take Land Raiders any day!
> Also keep in mind that GWUS runs it's tournaments with the house rule that
> SHW take no penalty at all from BM. Then the comparison becomes even more
> lopsided.

Well, in that they're just plain wrong. And it's not just our say so,
or that of Jervis (why is it some people are so unwilling to accept the
word of the authors of a set of rules when they want to know how the
game should be played?). Some of the examples of play and formations
published in WD implicitly agree that BMs affect SHWs.

In terms of the nitty gritty, we know Raiders kill Russ's. But how does
each do against infantry? Say Orks?

Example 1 - detachment of 9 Land Raiders (340 pts) vs 18 boyz stands, 10
nobz and warboss (342 pts). Land raiders have armour 6, 2At each for a
total of 18AT. The Orks have armour 4+ (with about 60% of the units
having a save), FP1 each for a total of 29.

Assume the LRs fire first - 9 hits, 2BMs on the orks. The 9 hits,
evenly applied, translate into 4 killed boys, and (say) 3 nobz who fail
their save. Result - Imperial 18AT: Ork FP 22, 2BM

Orks fire back - 11 dice and 2 BMs - (say) 2 dead LRs. Result -
Imperial 14 AT, 2BM: Ork FP22, 2BM.

I have deliberately _not_ deducted BMs a the end of each turn. It seems
likely that both formations (and particularly the tanks) will attract
more fire during the turn, and we all know how often a 1 is rolled in
the rally phase.

Land raiders second round shooting - now they have 12 dice - 6 hits, 4
dead boyz and another nob who fails his save. And 2 more BMs. Result -
imperial 14AT, 2BM: Ork FP17, 4BM.

Orks second round - 7 dice of shooting - one more dead LR, and 2 more
BMs. Result - Imperial 12AT, 4BM: Ork FP17, 4BM.

Third round, tanks first. 8AT will give 4 hits - again, 2 boyz die and a
nob (the other makes the save) and 2 more BMs. Result - Imperial 12AT,
4BM. Ork FP 14, 6BM.

Orks now - shooting inflicts only 1BM, and the 4 dice may inflict
another kill on a LR. Result at the end of three rounds - there are 5
LRs left, with 5BMs on them (58% of the original force). The orks have
8 boyz and 6 nobz (I've assumed that the warboss would have been
targetted by the LRs and failed a save during the above exchange), with
6BMs on the detachment. About 45% of the original force.

Same forces, Orks shooting first leaves (after 3 rounds) the Imperials
with just 3 Land Raiders with 8BMs (38%), whereas the Orks have 13 boyz,
9 nobz, the warboss and 5 BMs (83%).

Conclusion, if the Imperials fire first, they will come out on top,
marginally. If the Orks get the first blow in, the Land Raiders will be
decimated for little or no loss.

Example 2 - detachment of 10 Leman Russ (345 pts) vs 18 boyz stands, 10
nobz and warboss (342 pts). LRs have armour 6, F3 each for a total of
30. The Orks have armour 4+ (with about 60% of the units having a
save), FP1 each for a total of 29.
First, assuming the tanks get the initiative, the orks are left with 9
boyz 7 nobz and the warboss, with 8BMs (64%)
The imperials have 6 tanks and 7 BMs (63%).

And if the Orks fire first, the orks lose 6 boyz and 2 nobz, with 5BMs
(76% remaining) and the imperial tanks have just 3 left, with 8BMs

Conclusion - again, the tanks will be blown away if they lose the
initiative, but will cause more casualties to the orks. the exchange
when the tanks have the first fire is less conclusive for the first 3

Overall, running the numbers showed me yet again that ork nobz' staying
power can be a real pain, and that BMs will reduce Land Raiders to a
quivering mess. However, while they are fresh, they are much more
potent than the Leman Russ tanks. The lesson then is to use Leman Russ
tanks in the longer, bruising engagements, and keep the Land Raiders out
of harm's way until the hammer blow is required.

Received on Sun Jun 22 1997 - 13:24:29 UTC

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