Re: [Epic] Tournament army for review

From: Sutherland <charles_at_...>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:33:43 -0500

>> Nice air force, although they only get used every other turn, think
>of these
>> as artillary killers. Artillary kills eldar. >>
>> Who doesnt it kill?
>> Why is it more effective against eldar than other armies?
>> K.a.
>Because Eldar are pansied wouses and their generals are cry-babies.
>(Sorry if that offends anyone, but I am an artillery fanatic)

        The pansied wussies just won their first tournament!!!!
my army-
        5 nightspinners and 5 aspect.
        10 swooping hawks with assault and one wtih psyker
        10 harlequins with 2 assault, shadow seer and great harlequin.
        3 vampire and 2 phoenix

The first game was against orks.

        gargant, 2 battlefortresses, mob with 4 pulsa, 4 shooty boys and warboss

        one big mob with warboss, weirdboy, 3 kommandoes, 3 stompas and about 15

the first turn there was no fire as my nightspinners were out of range and
he could not see either of my dets. The harlequins were awaiting transport
in the vampires.
 second turn i bombed his big mob with the fliers, killing six units.
nightspinners open up on overwatch on the gargant.
 third turn nightspinners open up again on the big mob. his battle
fortresses reach one of his rescue objectives.
 fourth turn my aspects move onto my take and hold but get repelled by his
gargant due to hvy fire and blast markers. His morale is going down due to
BM's on his big mob at the end of the turn.
  fifth turn the harlequins arrive and set up to attack his big mob from
behind. Ork fire kills 4 harlies but they still manage to make their
assault. We win by one and lose 4 units to his 2.(very bad for the
harlies. I was ready to scrap the whole unit at this point.) The aspects
again try to take the objective but cower in fear from the gargant(had 2
BMs) "That thing might dirty my feathers! you go get it!". Nightspinners
continue to suppress the bajeezus out of his big detachment. His other
units were deployed on the far side of the table and took no part in most
of the battle.(need some transports.)
  sixth turn the harlequins get wiped by the gargant. The battle
fortresses still can not see the night spinners and the aspects hide behind
some woods while the night spinners put even more BMs on the mob.
        The final score/morale at the end was Orks 0/ Eldar 4. The night spinners
won the game for me with the morale taken due to BMs. His gargant really
was a menace on the table. I never even shot at the thing. One big
detachment is not a good idea. gets suppressed way to easily. This point
was seriously and quite bloodily shown by the next game against the marines.

        The marine only had 2 detachments.
  6 land raiders, captain, librarian, 4 assault marines, 4 marines, a dread
naught, and 2 terminators.
  6 whirlwinds, captain, some marines,dreadnaught, and some
devastators.(dont remember exactly because they didnt do much.)

        first turn both of his dets assault oved to close the distance. My night
spinners took up position behind a hill and the aspects took cover behind
some buildings on the other side of the board. I fired the NS at the land
raider det.
        second turn i declared a transport with the flyers(do they transport now
or in my movt phase? we said in the movt phase) and he assaulted again
(mistake). The harlequins landed behind his land raider det. and went on
assault orders. His whirlwinds were to far away to fire at them and the
land raider and company were at half FP because of assault orders resulting
in only to kills on the harlequins. The aspects were also on assault
orders and manuevered closer to the land raider det. The nightspinners put
5 more BMs on the land raiders. I won initiative for the assualt phase and
nervously rolled the ldshp test for moving. I had 2 BMs and rolled a .....
4! The harlequins cavorted all over those silly marines. I had a +3 to his
+0. I tried to psycic blast his librarian but he nuullified it. It didnt
matter I rolled a 5 and he rolled a 2. He suffered 5 more BMs and he lost
5 of his LRs, his dreadnaught, one of his termies, 2 assault and one
marine. I lost 2 soitaires. His assault move was the whirlwinds moving to
support. I then assaulted the land raider detacment which had to retreat
towards me with the aspects. Ugly again. He only had 3 units left and 18
blast markers. The rally phase saw him remove 5 BMs but it was not enough.
 His morale plummeted to the hvy negatives and he surrendered.
        The harlequins had shown themselves usefull after all. NEVER assault with
all your units while the other guy has transports ready. Big dets are not
necessarily that great. And finally night spinners on over watch are
awesome!!!!!!( five on overwatch put 4-6 BMs a turn!)

        Sorry for the long post. I did not realise it was so long winded.

        Oh yeah first prize was $50!!!

                                                That Chuk Guy
                                                Cry-baby Eldar General
Received on Mon Jun 30 1997 - 16:33:43 UTC

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