<snip previous stuff>
But that doesn't justify adding complexity and unit=
density. For
example, if the IG are meant to simply sit back and shoot, w=
do they need 4 different kinds of artillery units, when they are
are all=
basically doing the same thing? Why do the orks need 6
different types of=
light vehicles when they are effectively
identical? Why does each army ne=
ed slightly rearranged stats on
their heavy weapons units when they are dep=
loyed and function in
the same way?
What I like about e40k is that it stri=
pped away the individual
detail of the units (the special rules that caused=
90% of the
rules questions), and got down to the fundamental question of
what does the unit do on the board?". Back to the example
of with the orks=
, The orks have a dizzying array of light
vehicles: Gobsmashas, wartracks=
, buggies, bikes, scrochers, and
bowelburnas, each with slightly different =
stats, but genrally
speaking they traded CAF for firepower or cost. What I=
learned from experience is that the only only real choice I
made was to pu=
t a Kult of speed in my army and if so, how big.
People can argue till thei=
r blue in face which of the 6 is a
"better value" but I know from experienc=
e that it makes no
difference at all in the outcome of the game which units=
take. The only thing that matters is how the Kult of speed
overall is=
SM/TL was/is full of rules that can add flavor but don't really
p the game and can often cause problems. For example, is
it really _necess=
ary_ that the doomweaver use a different template?
Does it really make the =
game better that the ordinatus shield is
different from a kustorm deflector=
shied and a knight shield?
Frex, why the special rules on getting out fro=
m under doomweaver
templates? Why not just say the doomweaver fire a 5pt b=
template with a -6 save modifier or something like that. Instead
ey created a whole battery of special rules that caused no
end of arguement=
"Well, you're automatically destroyed unless you have a 1+ save,
unless =
you're are also immobolized, but being hit by a
waveserpent doesn't count, =
unless the waveserpent pushes you
into the webs after their down, unless it=
's tuesday or if
it's raining outside".
To quote the Tick "Egad! What's th=
e point!"
If your idea of intellectually stimulating is sorting through
intless details and citing rules, then there is a future for
you in law sch=
ool ;). I can see why people like this sort of
thing, and why they miss it=
when it's gone, but for me these
units made the game _less_ enjoyable rath=
er than more because
of the inevitable problems that arose, even among well=
intentioned and honerable players.
You have some good points. Here are th=
e reasons for the high number of units in
Sm/TL. One army diffrentiaion/co=
lour/character. Also, having different units looks better on the tabletop. =
For instance, you mention the cult of speed. I personally think it's more i=
nteresting if you have a few diffrent types of similar units to choose from=
, with slightly diffrent trade offs than one unit. Also having diffrent mod=
els looks better, yeah you could do like they did with ork battlewagons. Th=
ere are 6 variations or something, but their all the same. giving them slig=
htly different stats adds character and depth, without much added complexit=
y. I know the only problems i had was the ambigious special rules, I think =
the high densisty of units was a plus. Yes, there wasn't much diffrence bet=
ween a spleenrippa and a gobsmasha, but they were fun to use(and say:) inst=
ead of just battlewagon. I know I never had a problem remembering stats, on=
ly special rules interactions were a problem. Also, some of the combination=
s GW made I think were overly simplifying. For instance all the eldar aspec=
ts were quite diffrent, but are now one unit. Another thing was the deamons=
. The tyranids rich multitude of vehicals were combined into assault spawn,=
despite being fairly diffrent, they all became malafactors. The eldar pris=
m cannon and fire storm were creativly combined to yeild the fire prism, de=
spite being vastly dissimilar units. (I made up stats for the prism cannon,=
basicly same stats, cost as a Falcon, but no transport and an AT gun). Bas=
icly what I'm saying is that adding diffrent units that did not have confli=
cting special rules is a plus because it adds character (and looks better o=
n the table) to the game without really adding much complexity.
Ok, I'm don=
"Your incorrect assumptions are thre=
"You assume law still reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that=
we would be bound by precedents and precepts from the last 10 million year=
"But your most incorrect assumption of all is to assume that we care." =
-David Brin, Infinity's Shore
---------------James Nugent----------------------------------------
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Received on Wed Jul 02 1997 - 16:21:28 UTC