Re: [Epic] New Rules, SHORAD units

From: Sean Smith <seans_at_...>
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 1997 08:42:40 +1300

On Sun 06 Jul, J. Michael Looney wrote:
> SHORAD Missile Units
> Any Vehicle or War Engine unit armed with a "Fire Power" (i.e. not a
> SHW) type weapon may be upgraded to be a SHORAD missile unit for a cost
> of 10 points per unit. This upgrade may not be added to a unit that has
> any weapon upgrades (Flak, Close Support, Artillery)
> SHORAD upgraded unit use the following rules:
> * If placed on "Special" orders they count as a flak unit, at full
> strength and use all the flak rules.
> * If placed on "Over watch" orders they may act as either a flak unit or
> a normal FP unit. They may move up to 5cm as per normal, but if they
> move each unit is at -1 FP if used in a flak role. If used as a flak
> unit during the movement phase they may not fire as a FP unit in the
> shooting phase.
> * If on "Normal" or "No" orders, the detachment may fire, as a flak
> attack in the movement phase, as a whole detachment, on a single flier
> detachment, at 1/2 firepower. The unit may move as normal, but if they
> fire as a flak unit during the movement phase they may NOT fire as a FP
> unit in the shooting phase. Count only upgraded unit for firepower in
> this attack, and remove 1 FP per blast marker on the detachment. (note
> remove the 1 FP per BM before you half the firepower) The flak attack
> done in the movement phase has no effect on the rest of the detachment
> movement or firing, so the detachment will still lose 1 FP per BM in the
> shooting phase as normal.
> * If on any other type of orders the unit may not act as a Flak unit.
> WYSIWYG notes / Rules.
> This upgrade works best with units that have some sort of small missile
> visible. If they model does not have a missile, it can be assumed that
> the missile is a main gun fired missile.
Much better, however it means that ork buggies, jetbikes and Vypers get
to fire at aircraft as well. I don't think they should, other than as
a result of snap fire. Also the rules mean that flak tanks can't move
and fire at aircraft, but none flak units can. Considering that the
flak tanks would have the better targeting systems, I think it should
be the other way round.

I suggest that none flak units only be able to act as flak units
if given special orders and that this means they can't move
during the rest of the turn. But they can act as normal fp unit,
with a -1 fp (to reflect the effort spent switching from overwatch
to normal fire mode).

Also that flak tanks now be allowed to move normally (not assault
or march) and use flak, at -1fp. If they are on special orders
they can use all their fp and their range is increased by 50%.
 Sean Smith 
 Home - Seans_at_...
Received on Sat Jul 05 1997 - 19:42:40 UTC

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