Re: [Epic] My DexCon Epic 40k experiences...

From: A. Allen McCarley <allen_at_...>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 15:35:52 -0500

> Impressive...
> Is an Imperial army (I mean Space Marine + Imperial Guard + Adeptus
> Mecanicus) not too powerfull? I'm one of these fundamentalists who
> believe that the only way is a total Space Marine army or a total
> Imperial Gard army. OK perhaps with some Titans or Heavy Vehicles
> from the Adeptus Mecanicus. What do you think about this?

Back when I first started 2nd edition I tried to field all marine armies.
This was because I wanted to field human troops and enjoyed trying to
beat size and power with speed and maneouverability.

Nowdays, however, I just can't bring myself to do this. As I've learned more
of the background of the game I just can't see taking more than one detatchment
of marines in a large Imperial army. The number of existing marines
described in the fluff simply won't support more than this. (And won't even
support this many for many battles.) So anyway, I've put some of my marines
on the shelf and started painting a lot of guard troops. I'll try fielding
maybe one ten-stand detatchment of marines in drop pods in a 2,000 point
army. Of course, the Guard will need tanks, titans, and artillary to beef
them up as well.

I guess that it's all a matter of taste. It is a bit strange though, that
I feel less cheesey when I field a force you feel to be cheesey. There
is no buried insult in that last line; I'm just pointing out an odd
little fact that struck me as very interesting.

As for the issue of "Is it cheesey to field the best of every Imperial
faction in one army (marine only infantry, Guard only artiallary, and
TL titans)," I don't really think so. I heard that arguement a lot
in the SM/TL days and just never really bought it. It seemed no more
cheesey to me than the Orks using differing clans, or the Eldar using
different Aspects, or Chaos using different traitor legions. It's
just that the other races had their best armour, assault, and heavy
troops all with one color on their army cards. The current system
(all Imperial factions *usually* fight together) strikes me as much
more natural.

Allen (The Q&A guy)
Check out the EPIC and EPIC 40K Q&A Pages at:
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Received on Tue Jul 08 1997 - 20:35:52 UTC

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