Re: [Epic] Detachment size strategy?

From: A. Allen McCarley <allen_at_...>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 20:30:55 -0500

> While I'm waiting to get enough minis painted to pound the heck out of
> someone (or get the heck pounded out of me more likely given my past luck at
> wargames :^) I've been toying around with various detachment designs and I've
> come upon a strategic conundrum

> Is there a consensus or rule of thumb for detachment sizes (excluding War
> Engines of course) or is this matter still up to experimentation (my designs
> have been around 300-400 pts)?

I don't worry too much about points. I think that the important thing to
consider is number of units per detatchment. I try to keep all my detatchments
between 10 and 15 units, exclusive of leaders. Usually I'm closer to 15 with
infantry and closer to 10 with armored detatchments.

You don't want to get too many units under one commander. When you do so,
you are unable to take full advantage of terrain. Some of your units in
oversized detatchemnts will either be stuck out in the open or stuck some place
with no line of sight. The type of terrain you use may impact your optimal
detatchment size. On the other hand, you correctly point out that too few
give up morale points easily. The sizes I mentioned seem to work best for me.

Allen (The Q&A guy)
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Received on Wed Jul 09 1997 - 01:30:55 UTC

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