Re: [Epic] [EPIC] Ordo Malleus

From: Christian Nielsen <raveallnight_at_...>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 00:52:59 -0700 (PDT)

---David Lado wrote:

> >2) Grey Nights should always use drop pods, although in their case
> >they are being teleported down, not dropping. For this reason, I
> >advocate that an Ordo Malleus detachment may not take ANY vehicles,
> >always deploys in "drop pods", and furthermore, these drop pods
> >be shot down by the enemy (aint too much to shoot at).
> GK units are the same size as any other unit which can be shot down.
> I think the enemy should get a fair shot at the drop pods, since I
> don't think you want to give them an unfair advantage. If GKs are
> to valuable to risk getting shot up landing, land them in a safer
> part of the field.

-------->>>"drop pods" was in "....." because the GK's would be
         teleporting down (using drop pod rules), and you can't realy
               shoot at a teleporting unit. In this way they can do
what they're meant to do and teleport right up next to
Greater Daemons, hack them up, and then run away.

> I also think it would still be "in character" for GKs to charge in
> on thunderchickens.
-------->>>Definitely, but paint your THawk's silver and gold :-)

> I also agree that OM detachments should have no (or at least very
> limited) organic support. Such support should come from other
> detachments in the army to which they are attached.
------->>>None. No support. At all... Do you think that the
Inquisition would let mere mortals even TALK to GK's?

> If you are going to restrict GKs to fighting chaos (which I concur
> with), then I think you could go ahead and make life easier by just
> giving them Hero status. This gives them their terminator save and
> makes them mean kick-ass troops (I think they should be able to kick
> anyone's ass, not just demons). Also, I think the fluff mentioned
> that the GKs used psychic weapons, or were all psychers, or some
> such thing. So you might want to give them the psycher upgrade for
> +10 pts.
> David
------->>>I also think that making the units Heros with a psycher
upgrade option is a good idea, and counting the entire detachment as a
single pscher makes sense to me. Howevr, seeing that people will most
likely purchase varying numbers of GK's, this becomes a little....
So, How's this?

Ordo Malleus Detachment:


You must choose a commander.

One Ordo Malleus Inquisitor...............52 points
Consists of 1 Space Marine unit (Hero, Psyker)


Choose up to 5 squads from the following list.

Grey Knights squad......................................35 points
Consists of 1 Space Marine unit (Hero, Psyker)


Up to 1 Thunderhawk Gunship....................80 points

CHAIN OF COMMAND: Inquisitor > Grey Knight > Thunderhawk


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