RE: [Epic] [EPIC] Ordo Malleus

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 12:42:20 -0400

>> >2) Grey Nights should always use drop pods, although in their case
>they are being teleported down, not dropping. For this reason, I
>> >adv=
ocate that an Ordo Malleus detachment may not take ANY vehicles,
>> >always=
 deploys in "drop pods", and furthermore, these drop pods
>> >be sh=
ot down by the enemy (aint too much to shoot at).
>> GK units are the sa=
me size as any other unit which can be shot down.
>> I think the enemy shou=
ld get a fair shot at the drop pods, since I
>> don't think you want to giv=
e them an unfair advantage. If GKs are
>> to valuable to risk getting shot=
 up landing, land them in a safer
>> part of the field.
rop pods" was in "....." because the GK's would be
> teleporting do=
wn (using drop pod rules), and you can't realy
> shoot at a t=
eleporting unit. In this way they can do
>what they're mea=
nt to do and teleport right up next to
>Greater Daemons, ha=
ck them up, and then run away.

Now I get it :). I like the rule in princi=
ple but I see a couple of
problems with it. (1) It's still better than wha=
t marines get,
though they don't pay extra for it (ala blood angel death co=
You could make them more expensive, but I think they are already
ensive enough. (2) It would be really annoying as a chaos
player if someon=
e dropped a det of vicious CC troops into the
middle of my army and told me=
 it was against the rules to shoot
them. I know from experience that my op=
ponents were often ready
to blow an aneurism over the old SM/TL command rul=
es, and they
aren't even as bad.

I think it might be better to give them s=
omething else to represent
their teleporting. Maybe allow the SM player to=
 place the GKs
anywhere on the board (i.e. no random dropping) during the m=
phase. Thus, the GKs would still be subject to snapfire if they
me too close to an enemy unit, and could not enter CC until after
the firin=
g phase. However, the GKs would have the advantage of
choosing the exact s=
pot of their entry, allowing them to choose a
safe spot from which to launc=
h their assault. This would also
mean the SM player would have to put a li=
ttle thought and strategy
into using the GKs, rather than just using them a=
s a complicated
orbital barrage.

Actually, I know in 40K you can overwatch=
 fire at units that teleport, which is what snap-fire is supposed to repres=
ent. You could just use the normal drop pod rules. This would work fairly w=
ell. I.El allow them to be shot at and everything. Placing them on the boar=
d just seems weird, not to mention it is another special ability. Also I th=
ink this allows to much flexibility, as you could place them quite close to=
 the enemy. All in all, I'm beginning to like the idea of them comming in o=
n a thunderhawk, like the scythes of the emperor. One problem is they are f=
airly slow on the ground, thus they have to be placed fairly well. The only=
 way to do this without a special rule is a thunderhawk. To bad we can't ha=
ve the hawk deploy them and leave, without fireing.(as that would alert the=
 deamons). This way it wouldn't really cost much.
"Your incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law sti=
ll reigns in the Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by prece=
dents and precepts from the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrec=
t assumption of all is to assume that we care."
                                        -David Brin, Infinit=
y's Shore
-----------------------------------------------------James Nugent=

Received on Mon Jul 14 1997 - 16:42:20 UTC

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