Re: [Epic] deathstrikes

From: David Lado <lado_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 16:12:53 -0400 (EDT)

>> Yeah, but I think a million points would be a good sized fraction of
>> the army's of the imperiom! Thats 142857 guardsman!(squads) 714285
>> actual guardsman! To bad we can't get everyone on the list together,
>> find a really large table and do a million point game, we just might
>> have enough people to do it.
>Yeah, but with a sufficiently wide table, you'd need either trained mice
>or those sticks they have in casinos to push dice around. So we'd need
>a table about a mile long. Either that, or we could do some convoluted
>donut configuration. Coordination should be painful ("Hey! Is
>everybody done placing orders yet?") Also, we'd be better off playing
>second edition. A stand of guardsmen was 20 points back then; nowadays
>it's 7.

We could play PBM! We devide the list into sides, everyone designs a
50,000 pt army (we would need to decide the bad guys) and off we go.
That wouldn't take more than a couple of years/decades. And it's
not moving that'd kill you, it's the fire phase...

Actually, it'd be kinda cool. We could field whole divisions of IG
and entire pre-heresy marine legions (alright, the blood angles arrive
this turn, all 10000 of 'em).

>Oh wait--are we playing strictly Guard, or are we including Tech Guard
>and Marines?

OF COURSE NOT!!!!!! Mixing Tech Guard and Marines into a merely
million point army would be increadibly, inconcievably, revoltingly,

The inquisition has been notified of your heresy.

Received on Tue Jul 22 1997 - 20:12:53 UTC

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