RE: [Epic] deathstrikes

From: Christian Nielsen <raveallnight_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 00:58:13 -0700 (PDT)

---"Miller, Chris" wrote:
> Additional artillery note: Basilisks (artillery in E40K) could fire
> twice per turn. Bombards (siege artillery) fired once per turn. An IG
> arty company could crank out 15 barrage markers per turn. Follow that
> up with a deathstrike or two, and you can see the devastation. The
> race that even came close to this was the squats.
> Chris Miller
> >

Ummm... I think I'm right when I say that in 2nd Ed a battery of
three artillery guns added their BP's to a single barrage attack? ie.
an artillery co. could fire 5 templates (2 for each basilisk battery,
1 for the bombards). The only Imperial ground artillery that could
fire 3 linked templates from a single battery were Manticores. It was
their (2nd) special rule, and was intended to make people like them
more. It didn't work.

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