You guys are all so negative! No wonder the eldar are a dying
race, they'r=
e all deeply depressed about themselves. ;) This
is true, you can't do bo=
th in one turn, but your opponent has to
commit his airunits before you hav=
e to commit your flak. So you
can evaluate the threat from air units and g=
round units before
deciding on the roll of the fire prisms. Also, the fire=
remains useful if your opponent doesn't bring air units, while
the h=
ydra is a bit expensive and short-ranged to be rolling
around like a tank (=
IMO). The ork flak wagons actually make
decent auxillery tanks, though (co=
mpared to the general crap
in the ork army).
[----->] Maybe eldar just at=
tracts cynics. It's that whole 'dying race' thing. Honestly, I don't consif=
er flak in general to be that effective, except against orks. You can prote=
ct one or two detachments fairly well, as long as they don't move, but ther=
e is no way you can protect your entire army. I think flyiers will always b=
e able to find targets, although you can protect stuff like your artillary =
for example. Mobile flak protective is impossible, since it would require 2=
units, and I think the cost would be prohibitive, or at least not worth it=
, since the rest of your army would suffer.
More versatile in what they =
add to the army. The land raider
can transport 2, but neither army lacks f=
or transport. Though
both units have versatility, I don't think the land r=
versatility is that useful because the marines don't really
need an=
other troop transport; rhinos and thunderchickens work
just fine. The pris=
m, on the other hand, can serve as both a
Flak unit and a main battle tank,=
both of which are unique and
useful roles in the eldar army (I consider th=
e falcon a light
tank, because it is thin skinned and lightly gunned). Thu=
I consider the prism more versatile.
As for the relative capability of =
both units, I don't think
the transport capacity of the LR is a huge bonus =
(1) transporting troops is not the primary roll of land
raiders an=
d it doesn't give the marines anything they don't
already have, and (2) tra=
nsporting troops does not make the
land raiders more effective. By compari=
son, the Flak ability
definitely gives the eldar something they don't have,=
and it
and the skimmer ability definity makes the fire prism more
I'm not saying the prism is as good a MBT as the LR, but I
think it's n=
ot bad, and it's ability to double as a flak unit
makes up for it's price (=
and it's faster and can skim). Also,
the skimmer ability also means that y=
ou get to inflict
your casualties first, since the enemy can't shoot you un=
after you've shot them.
[----->] Honestly, with eldar I use dreadnoug=
hts and warwalkers as my MBT's just because they have decent armour, unlike=
everything else. Fire prism is to expensive to use as a MBT, and to lightl=
y armoured for it's firepower. The eldar don't have any good armour vehical=
s, mainly because they are based on a sort of mobile fighting style, rather=
thater than a sit and shoot one.
r incorrect assumptions are threefold."
"You assume law still reigns in the=
Five Galaxies"
"You assume that we would be bound by precedents and precep=
ts from the last 10 million years."
"But your most incorrect assumption of =
all is to assume that we care."
-David Brin, Infinity's Shore
-----------------------------------------------James Nugent----------------=
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Received on Fri Jul 25 1997 - 12:08:33 UTC