RE: [Epic] Tactic Critique

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 11:18:54 -0500

>It is normally better to unload troops on turn 1, maybe 2 if enemy has VERY
>clogged firing fields.
>>> "When it comes to Daemon Engines, Just say KHORNE!"
>> That's a joke, right?
>Yes, it is: you have nice, big, shooty, +5 CAF machines, and you are bound
>to advance (and get blasted), or charge for 30 cm (and get nowhere, then
>get blasted).
>All of this in the first turn, when they have 2+ save.
>And, due to the nature of the Chaos army normally they have less VP than
>enemy until turn 3, when masses of Daemons and Abhumans get into CC

-----> Well one way to get those guys into CC, or squats/marines into
firing range
is to start loaded up, charge them 30 cm on the first turn, them dump
them out
into buildings/cover/whatever. A deathdealer has a +7CAF and carries 5
It's moving as fast as that Plague tower (also getting nowhere?), and if
you want
 to load up all 3 on the card , you can carry more troops the same
distance for
less points. You also have multiple targets instead of 1 big juicy
target carrying
11 stands. The cards might help, but against Eldar,'Nids, or Orks they
will not,
 and with a reward of 4 VP's for killing 1 unit, it will be a priority
        Some of what I've seen is that the tower's supposed toughness leads
to people keeping troops in it longer than they should, and losing
multiple units
when they could just lose the one.

Chris Miller

Received on Mon Jul 28 1997 - 16:18:54 UTC

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