From: Michael M. Flemmer[SMTP:flemmer_m_at_...]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 1997 6:43 PM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: Re: [Epic] scenarios
Here is a scenerio that I want to try. It's kind a variant on rescue.
Background: An Imperial spy ship, transporting a VERY important data
cylinder/computer core, has had severe mechanical difficulties or been
attacked. Either way, the main computer core has been jettisoned and
crash landed on planet Middle-Of-Nowhere 357.
The Armies involved: are any IG/Sm vs. anyone else.
Reason: Both sides want the info in the computer.
a) The computer MUST NOT BE destroyed. The player that destroys the
computer loses. The computer core is fragile and has no save.
b) T-Hawks are not allowed to land within 30cm of the computer
(computer may be damaged by T-Hawk generated turbulance.
c) Titans must remain at least 30cm away from the computer core (too
much ground vibration)
<big ole snip>
---->I like this idea, but I have one suggestion. Add drop ships to the above list.
Can't have marines dropping out of the sky on the thing. ;)
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Received on Tue Jul 29 1997 - 13:05:23 UTC