[NetEpic ML] boarding action

From: Kutasi Zoltán <kutasi_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 11:49:56 +0100

Did you ever noticed how vulnerable are the mega gargants?

Here is the sad story how i lost my mega gargant in 2 turns last night:

My IG opponent waited until i move it on full speed and then he charged it
with a whole IG assault company (around 20 stands). I played a "Let 'em 'ave
it now" shouting counter to fire them in the first fire segment, but because
of the -2 to hit speed penalty i could kill only 3 stands, After the first
fire there were 2 stands of IG on every krew counter. After killing the much
of the krew, he ruind the gun decks and the boiler rooms. The motionless
mega gargant became an easy prey for the 4 enemy titans.


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Received on Tue Mar 16 1999 - 10:49:56 UTC

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