[NetEpic ML] Re: Ork Taktiks

From: <psorah_at_...>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 21:31:26 -0700

To add...

kelvin <kx.henderso-_at_...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/netepic/?start=464
> >Salut à tous,
> Greetings!
> >My next NetEpic battle will see the confrontation between Eldars of
> >Alcarinquë Craftworld and Orks of the Waaagh Grosbill.
> >I will play Orks but they are not my main army (Iron Wolves Chapter)
and I
> >don't know anything about their strong and weak points. In addition
I don't
> >have a large collection of Ork figs...
> >You've understood that I need some advice. :)
> Easily done!
> >This is what my army will look like (don't forget that I only use
figs that
> >I own) :
> >
> > - Bad Moon Clan
> > - Big Boss Punch Grosbill + bodyguards
> > - Shock Attack Gunz
> > - Pulsa Rokkits
> My advice with Bad Moonz: use 'em like Devastators. Find two or three
> objectives they can reach in a turn or two of moving, get them into
> position and then just sit and shoot anything that moves. They ARE
> ranged, but get them further onto the battlefield and they will have
a good
> change of having something in range to shoot.
> The Shokks will give you great cover from any tough units as they are
> at holding up armoured units and preventing them from firing. The
> line-of-sight range is superb so they need good firing positions in
> first turn or two of the game.
> I'd use your boss to lead a remote unit or to charge into the enemy
> and butcher them with superior CC ability and superior firepower. It
> be prudent to use the Warboss to lead the Bad Moonz and let the Bad
> Nobs control your artillery section (Shokks and Pulsa Rokkits) so
that your
> artillery can be firing fromt he first turn. Set them up as best you
> so as to get maximum fire time out of them!
> Pulsa Rokkits are a real mixed blessing. They can win the battle for
> but they can also be next to useless. The trick is to point them
where you
> want them to go and then loading them with the right amount of fuel.
> don't just use them to kill the enemy. They are just as useful to
deny an
> area of the battlefield to the enemy. Remember that the Pula Rokkit
> template is Impassable terrian to everything but Titans, and even
they find
> it diffcult and damaging. So they can be used to deny an objective
> the generator burns out. Nifty, eh? But at 250pts, I find them
> and would rather use the points on other things (like a Weirdboy
> Tower and Dragsta).
I would echo this, and point out I would NOT trade my shock attacks for
pulsa rockets.( They are both mek boy and as such the bad moons can
only have one or the other.But that's me. also remember that the shock
attack are excelent against titans (hit and double means a direct hit
inside ignoring shields) but this advantage melts away with
holofields, so use them to harrass the troops and armor.
> > - Goff Clan
> > - Great Gargant Kaboum
> > - Stompers (mini gargants?)
> > - Bikeboyz (is it correct to attach bikeboyz to a Goff Clan?)
you can attach anything but cards that state specific clans (such as
boar boyz) to any clans.
> Goffs are great at one thing: Close Combat. They are also pretty
good at
> one other thing: short-range shooting. I don't like Goffs as EVERY
time I
CC is only for the wholesale slaughter of many troops. however against
guardians, I have found close combat is the only way to go, as they rip
you to pieces at any range. I would recomend battlewagons to get the
boyz close enough to fight within the first or second turn.
> have used them in CC against any foe, weaker or more powerful, they
> slaughtered. I don't know why but they do. So I'm not real keen on
> Your biggest problem with using your Goffs is the fact that they are
> foot. It will take them ages to get anywhere. If you have any
> Battlewagons lying around, get them ready and use them to transport
> ladz into CC where they can do the most damage. Otherwise, use heaps
> cover to make them hard to hit or they are just going to get shot to
> as they advance on the enemy.
> Great Gargants are just that: GREAT! They are tough, big and smashy.
> plenty of guns and the ability to soak up a lot of fire, use this with
> reckless impunity. Use it for what it was designed: Stompin' an'
> They rock. USe it to give you Bad Moons long-range supporting fire.
> don't forget to load you Gutbusta. Its a terrific gun. Especially
> Ball round which is perfect for wasting Eldar Titans as the holofield
> protect it. The -4 save of the ball will take out even the strongest
Actually I would double check this, as I believe this is incorrect.
the ball round takes down every shield, but the holo field confuses the
aiming. But do double check, as I am only quoting from memory, and as
I age another year as of 29 minutes ago, I could be mistaken.
> Titan leg and then watch the sodding thing fall over. Wonderful!
> the Chain shot, its next to useless. But the High Explosive shot is a
> wonder too. I've destroyed an entire windrider host with it and
taken out
> a titan into the bargain. Its great.
> Stompas rock too. They are tough, Superheavy and carry some great
> Use them support you Bad Moons or to give cover to the Goffs as they
> across the field. Stompas can take a bit of punishment and can soak
> some fire too. But they rock in an assault and their gunz kick butt.
> Your problem with the Bikers is that they are the fastest thing in
> army, but they have no one to lead them. Thus, they will go out of
> really easily. Call them Nobz Warbikes and they quickly become a
> investment as they are hard in CC, don't need to be lead, shoot very
> (if short ranged) and can be used as mobile command. I swear by Nobs
> >I don't know how many points all this cost but this will certainly
be the
> >main forces of my Waaagh.
> >What do you think about this (except that it will be a challenge to
try to
> >win this such a force :)?
> I can be done. Just remember that your Goff are very vulenrable and
> to win, you need to hold objectives. Eldar are fast, so don't try to
> out-maneuver him. Just take your objectives and hold them at all
> If you have more than him and break his stuff first (Eldar are
> you're in with a great chance.
> For your army, you need more troops. I know you have a limited
> but try and squeeze in more stuff if you can. Battlewagonz for the
> would be good, or failing that more Boyz. The more you have, the
> the clan will take to break. It takes a lot to break a huge Ork clan
> hefty reinforcements and that is the key to the strength of the Orks.
> Break them before they break you and hold enough objectives, and you
> win a huge victory before the other player knows what has happened.
> "Strength in numbers" is the key to winning with the Orks. And most
> their firepower is short-ranged so don't get caught in a long-ranged
> firefight. You will lose.
> >Is there a good a way to use Pulsa Rokkits?
> See above.
> >Merci d'avance.
> My pleasure. Go da boyz!
> -Kelvin....
> ============================================
> "Of course I'm paranoid!
> Everyone's trying to kill me."
> ============================================

Good Luck

Received on Fri Sep 24 1999 - 04:31:26 UTC

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