psorah_at_... wrote:
> kelvin <kx.henderso-_at_...> wrote:
> original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/netepic/?start=469
> >
> > >Actually I would double check this, as I believe this is incorrect.
> > >the ball round takes down every shield, but the holo field confuses
> the
> > >aiming. But do double check, as I am only quoting from memory, and
> as
> > >I age another year as of 29 minutes ago, I could be mistaken.
> >
> > Happy birthday! The rules for Holofields state that they protect
> against
> > everything except Template weapons, therefore the ball rounds affects
> them
> > without them getting the save as it is a template weapon. The ball
> doesn't
> > need a direct hit, just try and land it in front of the Titan and
> watch it
> > roll over the feet. BANG! More often than not an immobile or dead
> Titan!
> > Wonderful weapon.
> >
> I was about to stomp down the stairs and try to refute that statement,
> if not with rules with logic, but as I worked through it, I came to
> your conclusion. I still haven't checked the rule (yes I'm a lazy git)
> but all in all that does make since, as the titans void shield would
> only displace it slightly, enough to put off small weapons, such as
> lasers and bolters. something as large as the ball would be aimed in
> the general local, and therfore be more apt to hit.
Kelvin is correct in his interpretation, this was clarified in a Q&A that
was available on the net. the ball IS atemplate weapon.
Received on Fri Oct 01 1999 - 22:55:03 UTC