I do seem to recall saying in my first message that you could justify the
use of equipment from one list being used by another if you decided to
try... also that doing so was a matter of personal tastes. Insofar as
modifying the rules is concerned you could change the rules as much as you
want... put Warhammer fantasy pegasus wings on a Titian and make rules for
it to fly for that matter...
Within the scope of the game rules as presented, I still maintain that
you create a "lottery in the hat" atmosphere when you allow units to cross
the battle lines. House rules are fine, however when you are playing Joe
from across town whom you have just met, or in a tournament environment
where people don't know each other from Adam and Eve, consistency is
essential, and the only "fair" way to play.
House rules means that you are going to play what makes sense to you,
which is great, but when talking about the rules in general, I stand by my
original opinion.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marvin Zepkowski [mailto:skizepkowski_at_...]
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 9:27 AM
To: netepic_at_egroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: R: Thunderhawks
Let's be serious, if one army can have it others will
be able to come up with it. HOUSE RULES is the key.
I've played epic since it came out with armies growing
larger and more complex. Many of my Cornell and Ithaca
College friends helped design house rules to make
changes that gave a wider berth to all armies within
the confines of the original rules which WD managed to
change periodically anyway. We always had a group so
we would write up a prospective rule then vote on it
add it to the house rules once passed. The
modifications we made were easily incorporated into
the game. ie. change the t-hawk shots to more closly
follow chaos weaps. It is my feeling that it will not
change the game dramtically and can add to the
Zoade, Game master Candor Guild.
--- James Beadle <james_beadle_at_...> wrote:
> It strikes me that the various army lists each
> have thier own special
> units that balance them out against the special
> units of other lists, and
> make that particular army different in flavor and
> tatics. If you allow those
> special units to be used by another army you are
> sacrificing that balance,
> and that special flavor for a more generic mix.
> As has already been said, its all a personal
> opinion, however I would
> rather see the lists used as presented rather than
> mixing the units up into
> a mishmash of take what you want armies.
> Thunderhawks are Space Marine
> Units, not Chaos units. It would be easy to justify
> any army using almost
> any unit, but is that ultimatly desirable and good
> for the game?
> James
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Received on Sat Nov 13 1999 - 02:11:31 UTC