From: Karlsen Rune <rune.karlsen_at_...>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:25:02 +0200


My take on this is that all powers in NetEpic has to adhere to the
corerules. If there are any effects or powers which aren't covered
by some sort of rule, they have no place in the game. Chaos powers,
whether they are cards or gifts must be psychic in nature. As far
as i know, there are no other options.
I think we had this discussion earlier on, when i debated for giving
Slann Titans a psy save. They had no shields which gave them a save,
and i was horrified at the possibility of losing a 2500 point titan
to a chaos power without getting any sort of save. The solution was
to give Slann Titans 3+ pyschic save. From this i gathered that all
chaos cards/gifts were psychic powers.

-----Original Message-----
From: nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen@...]
Sent: 31. august 2001 10:41
Subject: [NetEpic ML] PSY VS CHAOS


A new debate????

This question has possibly been raised before. However, since I don't know
the answer to it, I seek the advice of the esteemed members of this council!

The right honourable gentleman Rune and I have been discussing wheter or not
the chaos reward cards is a psychic power.
My position is that they should not be considered psychic powers, as their
effect is a result of the unstable influnce of chaos. I think the same
should apply to the Legion Gifts, but not to the powers of the Greater
Deamons. At least this is how I've always percieved it. Am I right?


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