Looks pretty good, although, why not ;imit attack range to spotting
range? Also would even direct barrages still be that accurate, perhaps a
d6 scatter?
You could give the DE a better spotting range than all other armies and
make them pretty deadly in those scenarios.
jyrki.saari_at_... wrote:
> Has anybody ever thought up night fighting rules for NetEpic? Aside from a
> decent campaign system I think this is what the system needs most at the
> moment. Some of my thoughts below.
> 1) Limited spotting range; something like ~25cm for infantry and 40cm for
> vehicles. This would probably have to be adjusted for each race. IG & PDF
> would have the worst spotting range, Space Marines & Squats would have
> better and Eldar & Slann would have the best.
> 2) Units which have fired can be targeted at up to normal range (assuming
> LOS exists, of course). This is for simplicity, play balance, and to avoid
> unnecessary special rules; I know that deathspinners don't have much of a
> muzzle flash.
> 3) Indirect barrages scatter 3d6cm if they miss.
> 4) Dark Eldar should probably have some special advantage when fighting at
> night since the cowardly aliens are so adept at skulking around.
> 5) Anything else?
> Jyrki Saari
> -There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and
> time is
> money.
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Received on Wed Sep 19 2001 - 11:41:23 UTC