Actually, I think we are under an alien attack!
I think the first wave of the attack is upon us already! They have blocked out the sun for days now, making it dead-cold both inside and outside. Small, white orgasnisms are attacking us, covering everything! They are currently making people stumble in the streets, causing chaos in trafic and generally making a mayhem on our infrastructure!!! The second attack wil come shortly, the flue!
> Fra: jyrki.saari_at_...
> Dato: 2001/12/07 Fri AM 10:17:35 CET
> Til:
> Emne: [NetEpic ML] WAKE UP!!!!!
> What's going on in here? I mean, five or so posts in a _week_ Are you having
> a secret NetEpic convention or something else I don't know about? Exams?
> Graduation thesis? Alien attack? Argument with your drill sergeant (wife)?
> Inquisition mutant hunt? The dreaded day when you only have left foot socks
> in your drawer? Time vortex in your washing machine?
> There are several things which require your attention, gentlemen (and
> ladies? are there any in this list?):
> 1) Dark Eldar list. Only a handful of people commented it.
> 2) Heathen (Ogre) list. even less people commented this one.
> 3) Fluff. After a lively debate this just dried up, even after Peter posted
> a couple of excellent examples. I know I am quilty as charged in this
> respect, but I intend to re-read those and give some comments.
> Wakey, wakey! <insert a loud trumpet solo here>
> Jyrki Saari
> -There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is
> money.
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Received on Fri Dec 07 2001 - 08:50:40 UTC