Re: [NetEpic ML] net epic suppression

From: Daryl Lonnon <dlonnon_at_...>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 12:36:05 -0700 (MST)

> Hi!
> Hey! this is not bad, not bad at all. Really simple and elegant. I like it!
> Any comments on this one?
> Peter

A few thoughts,
o My first thought is that supression shouldn't necessarily have to kill
  anything. Under this scheme it does.

o My second thought is: should we allow someone to trade kills for
  more supression (at a rate of 1 real kill for 3 virtual kills in
  order to determine supressive effects). This would solve the
  above concern about supression not nesessarily resulting from/needing

In example,
My 10 stand detachment of IG's fire on a size 3 tank detachment of Leman
Russ's. I get one kill. One kill is not enough to supress the remaining
2 Leman Russ's. I decide to trade that kill in for a 3 virtual kills
against all the Leman Russ's, which is now enough to force them to make
a supression check.

The Leman's pass the check, and return fire. Getting 4 kills on the
IG detachment. My opponent decides to trade in 3 of the kills for 9
virtual kills and let one kill stand. It's now 9 kills versus a
(currently) 9 stand detachment and the IG have to make a supression check.

I'd also make supression last until your NEXT activation (through the
End Phase), whereupon it's automatically cleared. (Put a token next
to units/detachments that are supressed and remove it as your next
activation). This means once you get supressed you will get some
penalty to it.

Unanswered concerns,
o Should vehicles and infantry be treated different? Supressed vehicles
tend to become less decisive while supressed, while infantry tend to go to
ground. (Vehicles can move 1/2 rate while suppressed? (Maybe still

o Elites? Do they get a bonus toward supression (or is this already a
factor of their morale)?

Just some random thoughts,

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "kume1967" <kume1967_at_...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 2:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] net epic suppression
> > Hi,
> >
> > How about incorporating the suppression to hit rolls. When a
> > detechment receives casualties we can put suppression counters as
> > many as the casualties, then at the end of the turn if the counters
> > are more than the remaining models in the unit, the unit must make a
> > suppression roll. If the unit is suppressed it can do nothing in the
> > following turn. I think this is simple, requires no additional tables
> > and HQ, superheavies and titans are immun to this effect.
> >
> > Mete
> >
> >
> >
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