How would these options translate in do game mechanics for epic?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Darryl Hilbig" <darrylhilbig_at_hotmail.com>
To: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Fliers..
> Just on the defence against air attack.
> Ground units have two options with regard to air defence, they are as
> follows:
> a. Active defence: the attempt to shoot down or make it harder for the air
> unit to place its ordnance where it needs to; and
> b. Passive defence: the use of camouflage and concealment by the ground
> unti so that the air unit does not know where, exactly, the ground unit is.
> Option a. is only useable against low level ground attack aircraft up to the
> maximum range of the small arms in use with the "wall of fire" concept of
> putting a wall of small arms automatic fire up in front of the air unit that
> it has to fly through on its way to the target. With the lethality of
> current ammunition and the lack of proper armour on most aircraft, this can
> be succesfful. But, this is only done very rarely by ground units,
> especially infantry who prefer option b..
> Option b. is the preferred choice by units as those that are stationary are
> both camouflaged and concealed from either recconaisance overflights by
> various methods and equipment against any sensors. Their other defence
> versus aircraft is concealment in overhead cover (which is unavailable to
> vehicles in Epic due to being unable to enter forested/wooded area or
> buildings)and dispersal (which really has no effect due to the way the
> system of firing works withing the game).
> So as a result of these defences, the flier may know the ground unit is in
> the area but not where. Just look at any air campaigns conducted from WW1
> onwards in any area up to and including Afghanistan now.
> But, of these options, only the option which gives away your position is
> available to an 40K Epic commander with no chance at a modifier that if the
> unit hasn't fired from that position prior to that turn (or will not fire in
> that turn) modifies the attack of a flier a couple of points worse than what
> it would be normally.
> Your opinions?
> Darryl H
> The theory and practice of gamesmanship or
> The art of winning games without actually cheating.
> (Title of book - Stephen Potter 1900-69)
> >Hi!
> >
> >In essence if you dont have AA cover or flier cover and the enemy has
> >fliers, you're in for a bad day. You can still win of course, but it isn't
> >easy. It works like modern day stuff, you don't go into battle nowadays
> >without air cover if you dont you get pounded.
> >
> >This was sort of intended, but I see your point. Many rules ahve been
> >proposed to Address it, but none have passed muster. They either make
> >fliers useless of are too complicated. Givng fire to infantry wihtout
> >penalty makes it to easy to shoot down and AA units would be worthless.
> >
> >No doubt others will give their opinions too.
> >
> >Peter
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Sam Dale" <epic_at_...>
> >To: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
> >Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 11:19 PM
> >Subject: [NetEpic ML] Fliers..
> >
> >
> > > Um. Something that was remarked upon in my gaming circle was the NetEpic
> > > flier rules. Basically, the way they appear to work is that you have to
> >take
> > > AA weapons (or fighter aircraft) in every army or you can't touch enemy
> > > fliers.
> > >
> > > Why was this route decided on? As it stands, i can fight a chaos army,
> >take
> > > a couple of companies of line troops backed up with several wings of
> > > Marauders and maybe some Thunderbolts, and unless i attack Chaos Marines
> > > (they'll need sixes to hit) or there's Doomwings present, there's
> >nothing
> > > that can do anything to stop them killing anything they choose to.
> > >
> > > Yeah, the more fliers, the less to hold the objectives with, but if
> >you've
> > > got firepower to melt the enemy army away, it doesn't matter...
> > >
> > > Sam.
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Received on Sun Mar 17 2002 - 17:33:16 UTC