Good points. As it stands we'll probably do it both ways and let people choose.
I have those old spirit warriors too, I make up some rules now that I know someone else has them!
----- Original Message -----
From: "eldarepic" <eldarepic_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 7:19 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] holy crud! more eldar stuff!
> This whole subject of the Cobra and Scorpion tanks having holofields
> was brought up by a discussion myself and brandu had several weeks
> ago. Because in the Epic 40K mag it describes them as having
> holofields. I agree this makes them extremely powerful, but if you
> like to keep in the flavor of the fluff give it the holo and jack the
> points up appropriately or even make it a special. If you have one
> unit that costs 500 pts and is a special you bet your sweet harlequin
> you wont see too may of them on the battlefield. One thing I never
> understood about the conversion in roles from the Tempest to the
> Cobra and Scorpion was the addition of a shuriken and a +1 CAF and
> then slowing by 5cm, is this reflecting their roll of a close support
> unit? Another point about the pop-ups, if you understand anything
> about propulsion and aerodynamics then it might make more sense.
> Most of the torque produced in lift is within the first 3 feet of the
> ground after that the lift to weight ratio is greatly reduced. So it
> it not unreasonable that if we can can get a 100 ton+ vehicle off the
> ground that it can continue its lift when it is at a halt........
> nuff said..I was also wondering if anyone had any stats for the old
> Banshee and Vampire Spirit Warrior dreadnoughts, also any thoughts on
> adding the Pheoinix Lords?
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Received on Tue Mar 26 2002 - 23:27:34 UTC