RE: [NetEpic ML] More brainstorming

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 16:32:06 -0400


well, he doesnt take base troops. (half because he got offended when
my IG artillery wiped them out, and half because he can't find a
place to buy the plastic troops anywhere that doesnt cost an insane

Ah! I see. Well the part of wiping out his non-titan stuff doesn't
change, you need the points. The other is that you have to take as many
objectives as you can and close that VP gap. That part of the strategy
doesn't change.

Last game was a massacre - he had 3 of the huge titans, and some
artillery. I killed everything but his titans with ease ... and his
titans waded through my entire army. Fired shot after shot at him, he
just kept getting up.

legs huh? I'll try that. I just realized that the head won't actually
kill them, so aiming for it it pointless.

So were going bio-titan hunting eh? This is how it goes. Take reavers.
Warlords are too expensive and slow. Reavers are cheaper and faster and
your not going for a shooting duel so extra shields mean nothing.

Note that weapons with high save modifier don't mean much against
bio-titans because the real damage is done on their tables and those
aren't modified by them. So once you get past the outer shell a bolter
will do as much damage as a volcano cannon. Only luck will get a big
score on those tables.

A reaver armed with three turbo laser cannons give you 6 shots hitting
on a 3+ with a -2. On average three will get through the outer shell. Go
for the legs first. A slow or immobile bio-titan is at you mercy.
Cripple as many as you can. For roughly 1500 points you can get three
reavers, arm two like I said above and the last one turn into a close
combat monster. Arm it with chain fist, laser burner, Vulcan mega-bolter
and close combat head. You'll have 3d6 + 15 in close combat and the
laser burner will do extra damage when you win close combat. The Vulcan
mega bolter is to use if any bio-titan is stupid enough to charge you.
If you see that its in charge range, put it on first fire and let him
have 8 dice a 4+ to hit. It will lose legs for sure and you can rip it
to shreds afterwards. The other two reaver will support the first. First
turn first fire and knock out legs, next turn use advance and go
BACKWARDS, using your turbo laser. Knocking more legs and giving more

Concentrate fire on ONE bio-titan at a time. Nothing can survive 12
turbo laser shots to the legs in one round. On average it will lose 2-3
legs rendering it immobile. Turn two the same thing. Then charge your
close combat monster to clean up. Ignore the dominatrix. He keeps it
back there, let him it helps you more because it can't help its

The rest of your army must kill what little non-bio-titan/dominatrix he
has and sit on the objectives. He depends too much on his bio-titans.
Once they can't move he's pretty much in the shithouse.

After this he'll think more on bringing infantry back into his plans.

> No. regenerating void shields is as it used to be, but on a 4+ now.
> case of power fields (like gargants) you can't repair them and
> never have full shields for that game again.
> Its good to point it out since editing is one of those major things
> the revision.


that's gross!

Since there is no repair order like in AT we thought a 4+ was a better
representation of the titans ability to repair shields and itself.


I can't wait to try it. Stupid tyranids. I'm tempted to take 3000
points of orbital bombardments in our next 3000 point game. I figured
I'd better nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Hehe, take the three reavers for 1500, a lot more effective and you'll
have a bucketload of troops to take all the objectives. Played right you
could knock him out of the game in one or two turns!

Received on Wed Mar 28 2001 - 20:32:06 UTC

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