Re: [NetEpic ML] More brainstorming

From: dkaardal <dkaardal_at_...>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 19:06:59 -0000

> Yep. All I can say to yer tactics is: it's all been tried. I still
> usually win.... but it takes skill.
> <grin> you remind me!


> If you give me more specifics, I can give you more directed

well, he doesnt take base troops. (half because he got offended when
my IG artillery wiped them out, and half because he can't find a
place to buy the plastic troops anywhere that doesnt cost an insane

Last game was a massacre - he had 3 of the huge titans, and some
artillery. I killed everything but his titans with ease ... and his
titans waded through my entire army. Fired shot after shot at him, he
just kept getting up.

legs huh? I'll try that. I just realized that the head won't actually
kill them, so aiming for it it pointless.

> No. regenerating void shields is as it used to be, but on a 4+ now.
> case of power fields (like gargants) you can't repair them and
> never have full shields for that game again.
> Its good to point it out since editing is one of those major things
> the revision.


that's gross!


I can't wait to try it. Stupid tyranids. I'm tempted to take 3000
points of orbital bombardments in our next 3000 point game. I figured
I'd better nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Received on Thu Mar 28 2002 - 19:06:59 UTC

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