RE: [NetEpic ML] More brainstorming

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 16:59:09 -0400


The trouble with morale checks is that the core mechanics for epic
really downplay its significance, to the point of making it meaningless.
Even armies with "bad morale" still have a 50-50 chance which is not
bad. So such a rule has no real impact because it wont happen that much.

I like the AT morale rules where their would be penalties for doing
crazy crap like that, according to threat levels. For example charging a
titan is pretty scary so why not impose a -2 to the morale? Even marines
would be sufficiently penalized then. Also note chaos doesn't roll
morale to break, but charging a titan is another deal and a check should
be required nonetheless. Tyranids...well they are tyranids and this
won't significantly change things in the long run.


-----Original Message-----
From: dkaardal [mailto:dkaardal_at_...]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] More brainstorming

> >I still LOATHE the idea of giving a titan basically an immunity
> >against half of an opponants army for free.
> Mmmmm a walking skyscrape should be immune to any infantry, save
> exceptionally rare heroes...

walking mechanical construct. Tanks look big and indestructable
too... but one guy with a well places satchel charge can ruin it's
whole day.

if it's got moving parts, those parts can be made to not move. you're
not killing the whole titan, just trying to ruin a leg or two.

> >Hell - make them make a moral check to even CHARGE the thing! THAT
> >makes sense... it's all well and good to say that it's possible for
> >infantry to take a titan down, but I certainly woudlnt be running
> >towards one if I saw it on the battlefield.
> Well, no much sense...
> Tyranid and Chaos pass automatically morale test...
> Space marine have a 2+...
> Only Eldar (3+) and Ork (4+) have a chance (too low...) of being
> by morale in charging Titan...

ummmm... so?

it's just one more thing that is not unbalancing, but still
illustrates the terrifying effect of a 30-40 metre tall war machine.
It's not a rule that's meant to make titans unbeatable - but it does
add one more thing to think about when assaulting one.

well, except for tyranids... ech. I hate those guys.

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