Hello Peter,
Friday, April 19, 2002, 7:08:56 PM, you wrote:
well done !
PR> Hi!
PR> They are VERY nicely painted, well worth a look!
PR> Peter
PR> -----Original Message-----
PR> From: P.J.T [mailto:paul.j.t_at_...]
PR> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 12:20 PM
PR> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
PR> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Painted Epic Tau Auction
PR> Hi Guys,
PR> Hope this doesn't class as spamming - its so damn quiet around here I'm
PR> guessing it doesn't matter too much anyway, and I thought a few of you
PR> might
PR> be interested.
PR> I'm auctioning a small batch of Painted Epic Tau on my site's Forums at:
PR> in order to help cover impending site costs.
PR> Anyone who's not a member of the Forums or who wishes to bid Anonymously
PR> can
PR> do so by emailing me at:
PR> webmaster_at_... with your name and bid amount.
PR> Examples of my painted tau can be seen on:
PR> All other details can be found on the forum posting.
PR> Cheers,
PR> Paul "TuffSkull" T.
http://epic40k.com - If its Epic, Its there! (Now an Official Warpgate
PR> Network site!)
http://welcome.to/weird_world - Weird World Wargaming.
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Best regards,
Christian mailto:ce.de_at_...
Received on Fri Apr 19 2002 - 23:16:48 UTC