RE: [NetEpic ML] Pinning Cavalry

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 11:06:55 -0400


If that's the general feeling I'd say leave infantry in those own class
and have the classes as follows:

1. Titans/praetorians
2. Knights and super heavies
3. Vehicles
4. Dreadnoughts/robots
5. Cavalry/bikes/walkers
6. Infantry

Skimmers are class apart since no one but another skimmer can pin them.


-----Original Message-----
From: jarreas_at_... [mailto:jarreas@...]
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 10:52 AM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Pinning Cavalry

>Are light walkers and such really any different from cavalry, bikes and

In pinning terms, I think so. The concept of pinning can be translated
to "Can you disengage from close combat without worrying about dying?"

Infantry vs infantry, no - they can catch you as you turn away.

Tanks vs infantry, sure - I've got armor.

Cavalry vs. infantry, sure - I move away faster than you can reengage.


As a separate question, can Land Speeders be consitered cavalry?


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